The Zappi electric vehicle charger is a smart charging solution designed to charge electric vehicles quickly, efficiently, and sustainably. It is compatible with all plug-in electric vehicles and offers a range of features that make it a popular choice among EV owners.
One of the main benefits of the Zappi charger is that it is designed to work with renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines. This means that you can charge your EV using clean energy, which is not only better for the environment but can also save you money on your electricity bills.

Solar Integration
Charge Scheduling
Load Management
Pin Lock

PEN fault detection included

Built in O-PEN protection means it's not necessary to install earth rods making it a quicker and more cost effective home charging solution

Charger Speed:
Connection Type:
Tethered or Untethered
Exclu. VAT
Installation Included